The Whole & Complete Woman

Are you a woman of faith seeking holistic strategies for optimal health, wealth, and relationships? Look no further than The Whole & Complete Woman Podcast hosted by Dr. Alicia Newsome, a functional medicine doctor and lifestyle physician. Dr. Alicia’s journey to wholeness began as divorced, bankrupt, single mom. In a world where women are often taught to choose, Dr. Alicia empowers women to have health, wealth and love without sacrificing their family or faith! This transformative podcast delivers practical tips, inspiring success stories, and actionable steps to help women of all backgrounds achieve their goals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive, healthcare provider, or mom, you’ll gain valuable insights on aligning your life with purpose. Key topics include natural wellness solutions for women, overcoming hormonal imbalances and weight loss resistance, increasing energy and productivity, and creating a life you love as a woman of faith. Dr. Newsome and her guest experts share personal journeys of overcoming adversity, making this a must-listen for Black and brown women seeking culturally competent guidance. Join a supportive community that empowers the whole, complete you - mind, body, and spirit. Subscribe now to The Whole & Complete Woman Podcast for the motivation and tools to become the flourishing woman you’re meant to be. Embrace holistic health, prosperous wealth, and fulfilling relationships! It’s your time! You can have it all!

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5 days ago

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? In this episode, Dr. Alicia Newsome chats with mindfulness & psychological safety expert Amanda Muhammad about the power of mindfulness & gratitude for busy women. They explore how these practices can transform your life by:
Reducing stress and promoting well-being
Cultivating self-love and overcoming guilt
Prioritizing your needs and setting boundaries
Boosting focus and productivity
Discover practical mindfulness techniques you can easily incorporate into your daily routine, and learn how self-compassion is the key to thriving, not just surviving.
Want to Learn More?
Check out Amanda Muhammad on Linkedin: or her website:
Connect with Dr. Alicia Newsome:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
02:24 Amanda's Journey into Mindfulness
09:05 What is Mindfulness and Why is it Important for Women?
11:14 Practical Tips for Busy Women to Be More Mindful
26:40 Cultivating Self-Love Through Mindfulness
38:30 The Transformative Impact of Self-Compassion
56:35 Creating Psychological Safety in Your Environment

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

In this empowering episode, Dr. Alicia Newsome chats with executive leadership coach Shayla N. Atkins about the importance of authenticity and overcoming imposter syndrome for women leaders. Shayla shares her personal journey of conforming in the corporate world and the toll it took on her. They debunk common misconceptions about authenticity and offer signs that might indicate a woman is out of alignment with her true self.
Shayla provides actionable strategies for women to step into their authentic leadership power and set goals driven by purpose. They also delve into the unique challenges faced by Black and brown women navigating predominantly white male-dominated leadership spaces.
What You’ll Learn:
Exploring the root causes to overcome self-doubt.
Crafting goals that align with your values and create a sense of fulfillment.
Staying true to yourself and build a supportive network ("personal board of directors") to advocate for you.
Understanding who you are at your core, beyond labels, and create environments where you flourish.
Confidently communicate the unique value you bring to the table.
Being authentic fosters emotional presence and vulnerability in motherhood and marriage.
Authenticity keeps you accountable and helps you course-correct faster.
Want to Learn More?
Check out Shayla N. Atkins on Linkedin: or her website: 
Connect with Dr. Alicia Newsome:
Episode Chapters:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
02:53 Shayla's Journey to DEI and Authenticity
06:16 The Impact of Conforming in Corporate Culture
08:35 Debunking Myths About Authenticity and Leadership
10:26 Signs You're Out of Alignment with Your Authentic Self
13:01 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt
15:03 Stepping into Authentic Leadership
16:07 Goal Setting from a Place of Purpose
23:50 Strategies for Women Navigating the Corporate World
26:19 Creating Your Personal Board of Directors
27:59 Articulating Your Value and Standing Out Authentically
34:26 The Impact of Authenticity on Motherhood and Marriage

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Feeling overwhelmed by weight gain, PCOS, and endometriosis? You're not alone. Angela shares her inspiring health journey, from struggling with a major life change to undergoing bariatric surgery and rediscovering her confidence. Discover the importance of a supportive partner, sleep, stress management, and finding the right healthcare provider, especially for Black women. Learn how Angela became a support and accountability coach, empowering others to make lasting lifestyle changes.
Discover Strategies to manage PCOS, endometriosis and overcome weight gain challenges and health issues.
Embrace bariatric surgery (when needed).
Prioritize sleep hygiene for mind, body and overall health
Explore how a supportive partner can make a world of difference in your health journey.
Learn how a coach such as Dr. Alicia Newsom can guide and motivate you towards your health goals.
Discover how stress can impact your hormones and strategies to manage it.
Get tips to make drinking enough water easier and more enjoyable.
Learn about the unique challenges Black women face and how to find the right healthcare provider.
Discover how to address root causes and make sustainable lifestyle changes.
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:30 Angela's Health Journey Begins (PCOS, Endometriosis, Weight Gain)
08:38 The Decision to Undergo Bariatric Surgery
10:38 Losing Oneself and Finding Support (Life Change & Importance of Support)
26:37 Becoming an Accountability and Support Coach
30:20 The Importance of a Supportive Partner
32:22 The Role of a Support and Accountability Coach
36:06 The Impact of Stress on Hormones
37:09 The Significance of Drinking Water
47:31 Challenges Faced by Black Women in Healthcare
51:17 Addressing Root Causes and Making Lifestyle Changes
Feeling inspired by Angela's journey? Share this episode with a friend who might benefit from these insights! Subscribe for more health and wellness tips, and visit our website to learn more about support and accountability coaching.
Let’s Connect!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Functional medicine doctor Dr. Alicia Newsome dives deep into the world of hormones! In this episode, she explains how to achieve hormone balance for those struggling with irregular periods, low energy, weight loss resistance, acne, fertility issues, and more. Dr. Newsome emphasizes addressing the root causes of hormonal imbalances, rather than just managing symptoms. She explores three key areas that impact hormone health: toxins, deficiencies, and fitness. Listeners will discover practical tips for detoxification, maximizing nutrient absorption, and improving overall well-being.
Uncover the root causes of hormonal imbalances for lasting health improvements.
Learn how toxins, including environmental and biotoxins, can disrupt hormones and contribute to estrogen dominance.
Discover how deficiencies in essential nutrients, enzymes, and even oxygen can affect hormone production.
Explore detoxification practices, improved nutrient absorption techniques, and proper breathing to support hormonal balance.
Understand why fitness and exercise, while crucial for overall health, are not the sole solution for weight loss. To achieve sustainable weight loss, address inflammation, gut health, and hormonal imbalances.
Recognize the three main areas impacting weight loss and overall health: toxins, deficiencies, and stress.
Learn how mindset and emotional well-being play a vital role in maintaining optimal health.
Implement a comprehensive approach that tackles toxins, deficiencies, stress, and mindset for long-term health transformation.
Invest in your well-being and discover stress-busting strategies to reduce stress and improve overall health.
00:00 Introduction and Empowerment
01:29 Uncovering the Root Causes of Hormonal Imbalance: Toxins, Deficiencies, and Stress
12:29 Deficiencies: Nutrients, Enzymes, and Oxygen
15:45 Practical Tips for Detoxification and Nutrient Absorption
22:49 The Three Main Areas that Impact Weight Loss and Health: Toxins, Deficiencies, and Stress
25:09 Addressing Inflammation, Gut Health, and Hormonal Imbalances
27:32 Comprehensive Approach to Health Transformation
32:18 The Role of Mindset and Emotional Well-being in Health
33:44 Stress-Busting Strategies for Optimal Health
38:31 Investing in Well-being: A Path to Long-term Health

Friday May 17, 2024

Empower yourself to achieve your goals and create a fulfilling life!
Hosted by Dr. Alicia Newsome, The Whole and Complete Woman is your guide to holistic wellness, purpose, and living a life you love.
Who is this podcast for?
Women of Faith Seeking Wholeness: Explore natural and holistic approaches to wellness, wealth and love that align with your faith. Gain practical tips for achieving your health goals and living a life full of abundance and love.
Black and Brown Women: Seeking culturally competent healthcare solutions and strategies for success? Dr. Newsome shares insights and guidance specifically tailored to your needs.
High-Achieving Leaders & Moms: Learn to balance leadership, self-care, and building a legacy for your family. Discover practical tools and transparent, inspiring stories to help you thrive in all areas of your life.
What can you expect?
Inspiring stories from Dr. Newsome's life-altering journey from a divorced, bankrupt, single mom: Connect with Dr. Newsome's relatable story of healing and becoming whole while finding true love, building wealth and creating vibrant health.
Actionable Steps and Guidance: Implement practical tips and strategies to achieve your health, wealth, and relationship goals.
Insights and Motivation: Gain valuable advice, inspiring stories, and a supportive community to help you on your journey.
Ready to live a vibrant, healthy life aligned with your purpose, vision & desires of your heart? Subscribe to The Whole and Complete Woman today!
00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast
02:45 Becoming Whole and Complete
05:10 Creating Legacy and Passing on Wealth
09:49 Supporting Moms in Their Journey
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